About Us

What We Are

We prepare, manufacture, trade, import, export, improve, process, sell and carry on the business of canners, preservers, growers of fresh and/or preservable products of vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers, medicines, drinks, fluids and other and generally to carry on the manufacturing of spices, pickles, chutney, masalas, mixtures, vinegars, ketchups, juices, custard powder, powder (edible) drinks, beverages, gelatins, essences, ice creams, milk preparations, table delicacies and other eatables.

To buy, sell, barter, import or otherwise deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents or brokers or otherwise to catch fish and procure sea foods and preserve, smoke, cure, freeze, prepare or process or otherwise to deal in all sorts of fresh, chilled, dried, salted, inbrine or frozen sea foods, fish meals, fish products, vegetables, and to manufacture or procure any substances or articles wholly or partially from fish or sea foods for human or animal consumption.

To carry on the business of keepers, warehousemen and transporters of fish, sea foods, processed fish and sea foods, vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, poultry and foods of every description.


Our Vision

To become a Leading and Preferred Exporter of many products that results in the economic growth of the country.

Our Mission

To provide High Quality products and also on time delivery along with a transparent business approach.